Aviation Weather View - Albury, NSW
METAR YMAY 231600Z 30014KT 9999 SCT058 SCT071 BKN092 18/08 Q1014
Information and images sourced on a "best effort" basis from
our own station 2.7NM north of the field at 1016ft AMSL.
Weather information is NOT from the Albury Airport.

Contact Ross on 0409-578-660
Updated 0608Z (14-Mar-2025 at 17:08:06 local)
Temperature 35.9 Deg C
QNH is 1016
Humidity is 20% RH
Dewpoint is 9.4 Deg C
Estimated Cloudbase is 11900 feet amsl
Wind: 6 KT, gusting to 15 KT from 265 degrees magnetic (253 true)
Runway 07 Crosswind 1KT Left to Right 6KT downwind
Runway 25 Crosswind 1KT Right to Left
Wind last 10 minutes: Average 6 KT
Solar Insolation: 442 W/m^2

TWR: 123.25 SMC: 121.8 AWIS: 134.525 ATIS: 115.6/133.85 Map
How to interpret the wind rose
Wind Rose
Solar Radiation Decoded METAR data
Albury Airport (94896, YMAY)
WMO Index: 95896
Date/Time: 23-Apr-2024 1600 UTC
Lat/Lon: 36.07S 146.95E
Wind: 300 deg true at 14.0 knots
Temperature: 18.2 deg C
Dewpoint: 7.9 deg C
QNH: 1014.8
Rain since 9am: 0.0
Rain last 10 mins: 0.0
Visibility: -9999 metres
AutoVisibility: 10000 metres
Max Wind Gust last 10 mins: 22.0 knots
Scattered 1770m (5805ft)
Scattered 2160m (7084ft)
Broken 2790m (9151ft)

Calculated humidity: 51.0 %RH